* CDPath [#m000b350] ~ ** 名前 [#m24aa248] CDPath -- cd コマンドの "検索パス" を設定する ~ ** 概要 [#x32f2267] ''CDPath'' [ directory]~ ~ デフォルト~ 無し~ コンテキスト~ server config, <VirtualHost>, <Anonymous>, <Global>~ モジュール~ mod_core~ 互換性~ 1.2.0pre2 以降~ ~ ** 説明 [#af5b8cdc] Adds an entry to a search path that is used when changing directories. For example: CDPath /home/public CDPath /var/devel This allows a user to cd into any directory directly under /home/public or /var/devel, provided they have the appropriate rights. So, if /home/public/proftpd exists, cd proftpd will bring the user to that directory, regardless of where they currently are in the directory tree.~ ~ ** 参照 [#a3b266fe] ~ ~ ** 例 [#m208029e] ~ ~ ** オリジナルドキュメント [#q40c7417] http://www.proftpd.org/docs/directives/linked/config_ref_CDPath.html~ ~ ---- Hiroyuki Seino http://www.seichan.org/ http://www.seichan.org/blog/~ Today:&counter(today); Yesterday:&counter(yesterday); All:&counter;